Shoulder Surgery

Shoulder Surgery Recovery

I’m currently recovering from shoulder surgery. It is a slow process and I’m getting a bit frustrated spending all my time on the couch. I just want to get active and play sports again, which is my favourite thing to do. I’ll be starting recovery in a few days, which is almost two weeks after my surgery, and I’ll be doing rehab weekly after that for the next 4-6 months. It’s a long road to recovery, but I’m looking forward to about three weeks’ time when I get to start doing light exercise again. 

Even though I wish I didn’t have to have the surgery, I’m really glad that I chose to go to one of the most experienced shoulder surgeons Melbourne has to offer. She was really good before and during the surgery and has really informed me on what to do for my recovery post-surgery. Seeing as I didn’t want to have the surgery in the first place, I probably wouldn’t have followed this recovery regime so strictly if I didn’t have such a good surgeon explain to me why it is important. I’m naturally an impatient person. It’s not that I don’t respect people who have spent several years studying and practising their craft. It’s simply that I can’t sit still for more than twenty minutes at a time without feeling like I’m going crazy. You can imagine how stir crazy I’m going after almost a week on the couch recovering from shoulder surgery.

Even though I’m complaining about having had shoulder surgery, I do need to thank my lucky stars that I didn’t need a full-scale shoulder replacement. It seems like the recovery is similar to the surgery that I got, but in some instances, it can take up to a year for a person to get their full range of motion back. I would really struggle if my range of motion was limited for that long.