Nothing makes me feel happier than when I’m redoing my kitchen. I redo it once a year for a number of reasons, with the first and foremost being that I love how it makes me feel. I love the chaos of it. The feeling that after a couple of months everything will be completely different. I get a rush from the power I have over the design and the people who are completing the kitchen renovations. Melbourne renovators are top class and I get to work with them every year.
From what I’ve heard, I’ve actually garnered a reputation amongst the kitchen renovators in Melbourne and it’s a very good one. Everyone wants to be the next company to renovate my kitchen because I then spend the next ten months of the year showing it off to as many people as I can. It’s like free advertising except I’m paying them to design and build my kitchen. It doesn’t really get much better than that for them. I’d like free advertising any day of the week. I’d like a new kitchen every week, too, but that’s just not feasible because they take so long to build.
It’s about time again for me to start designing my next kitchen. I’ve had my current kitchen for about six months now and I absolutely love it, but it’s time for a change. My schedule is as follows:
- Plan my kitchen with the best kitchen designers in Melbourne (2 months)
- Build my kitchen (2-3 months)
- Enjoy my kitchen (6-7 months)
- Any leftover time is spent interviewing potential designers to see who the best fit for my next design and build will be.
I know the next few months of designing are going to be absolutely awesome. I’ve chosen the kitchen designers that I’ll be working with and we’re ready to really get into the nitty-gritty. I can’t wait to see what 2022’s kitchen design looks like.